Breast Mammogram: What it is and how it’s done?

Female Surgeon UAE is dedicated to provide healthcare services to all ladies and has specialized in breast cancer screening. Breast mammograms are used to detect breast cancer at an early stage, raising likelihood of cure and survival. Breast mammograms: aims and expectations In this article, the reader will obtain comprehensive information on what breast mammograms are, why they are essential, and what a woman should anticipate during the examination in Dubai.

What is a Breast Mammogram?

A breast mammogram is an X-ray action that is used to diagnose and assess changes involving the breast tissue. It is a very important instrument used in the screening of breast cancer and it can identify tumors that may not be palpable during physical examination in Dubai.

Abnormal Mammogram Diagnosis Dubai

Mammogram Screening & Abnormal Breast Ultrasound Diagnosis at Al Zahra Dubai

Mammogram screenings are usually not done in women younger than 40 because breast tissue in younger women is too dense to give a good X-ray image. A mammogram makes it possible to see tumors long before they can be felt by you or even a skilled doctor or nurse. Sometimes the x-ray will show tiny pieces of calcium in the breast called microcalcifications. Most abnormal findings on a mammogram are not breast cancer but in some cases, they can be a sign of a precancerous condition. When the findings look like it might be breast cancer, our specialists at Dubai-based HMS Mirdif Hospital may recommend you to undergo an abnormal breast ultrasound or MRI scan.


Importance of Breast Mammograms

  • Early Detection: It’s worth knowing that mammograms can identify breast cancer in the early stages, even when there are no signs of it. Knowledge may be helpful as an educational tool when early detection of illnesses may be of benefit.
  • Reduction in Mortality: Annual mammography has been effective on the lowering of the mortality rates of breast cancer due to early detection of the disease.
  • Peace of Mind: Mammograms not only help in the early detection of breast cancer but also give many women a sense of security about their breast health.

How can a Breast Mammogram be done?

1) Preparation

  • Schedule Your Appointment: It is time to book your mammogram through Female Surgeon UAE. To enhance your convenience, we have fitted our scheduling system with a schedule that suits their every busy lifestyle.
  • Avoid Caffeine: Avoid taking caffeine containing products at least one day before the procedure since it causes breast sensitivity.
  • Dress Comfortably: Avoid wearing anything on top that might hinder you from removing the top because getting a mammogram done.

2. During The Mammogram

  • Positioning: You will be exposed to a new unique machine that makes X-rays. A technologist will then ask you to position your breast on a clear plastic plate. Another plate will exert a pressure on your breast from above to ensure that it stays firmly in place. These plates will act to spread out the breast and ensure that it remains in position throughout the process of the X-ray.
  • X-ray Images: The technologist will then take two images of each breast; the medial or superior image and the lateral or superior-medial image.
  • Duration: The whole process is expected to take roughly 20 minutes.

3) After the Mammogram

  • Results: A radiologist will analyze the X ray images whether it is breast cancer or has other abnormalities. You will receive your results in the next few days after we have processed your assignment.
  • Follow-Up: If any changes are identified in the mammogram, further procedures like breast ultrasound or MRI may be recommended.

Breast Mammography Test Cost in Dubai

The prices of a breast mammography in Dubai may differ depending on the capacity of the facility as well the services they offer. At Female Surgeon UAE, we pride ourselves on fair and reasonable pricing as well as clear billing so that patients can focus on getting quality healthcare that does not cause financial strain. For more details on the prices, other than those indicated in this page, feel free to contact us directly and we will offer you more information regarding insurance.

Additional Breast Imaging Services

  • Breast Ultrasound: This procedure uses high frequency sound waves that reflect off organs and tissues inside the body to create images of the breast and is employed when there are symptoms on a mammogram.
  • Breast MRI: Mammography includes imaging of breast tissue using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and is useful in evaluating the spread of breast cancer Surgery.

Selection Criteria for Breast Cancer Doctors in Dubai

Before choosing a provider, it is imperative to have a proficient and efficient breast cancer doctor. Our Dubai Breast Cancer Doctors are highly qualified and committed to giving each patient the attention they need while offering premier treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Which individuals should undergo a mammogram?

The general guidelines of mammogram screenings suggest that women in a certain age range, which is 40 years of age and above, should go for the test. Others may start even earlier depending on their family history and other risk factors such as obesity, physical inactivity or a diet high in saturated fats. It is always advised to consult your doctor especially to those who are pregnant, nursing mothers and individuals with health problems.

  • How often should a woman get Mammography?

The American College of Radiology guideline suggests that women in the age bracket of forty to forty-nine years should undergo mammogram testing every one to two years and women over forty-nine years should have a mammogram every year. There are specific characteristics that increase the risk and it is your doctor who will advise based on those factors.

  • Does Mammogram hurt?

While some forms of the procedure may put pressure on the cervix or cause discomfort, most women only experience such feelings for a short while. Tell the technologist if you are in pain, or if the discomfort is beyond average.

  • What should I do if my mammogram shows an abnormal result?

Getting some form of an abnormal result does not imply that one has cancer. If the lump is detected to be fluid-filled, then a breast ultrasound will be required in determining the cause of the abnormality, or else an MRI and a biopsy may be recommended.

  • Is it possible to get a mammogram if one has done implants to the breasts?

Mammograms are essential for women with implants and they should not avoid getting them or postpone them. There are special techniques to guarantee that views with the highest quality are achieved.

  • What are the radiations involved in mammograms?

With regard to the rates of mammography radiation, it is imperative to note that mammography rays are low-intensity rays. These conclude that early cancer detection has the following advantages more than disadvantages. Always consult your doctor about your worries or questions.

  • How can I prepare for my mammogram?

Do not apply perfume, deodorant, antiperspirant, talcum, or lotion on your skin on the day of the examination because they may show up on the X-ray and obscure your results. Wear loose clothing and a two piece outfit for ease of movement and comfort for physical exertion.