Breast Lump Treatment in Dubai
Breast diseases are extremely common in women in the Middle East and worldwide. The female breast is a complex gland that is made up of several types of tissue. The breasts are made up of fibrous connective tissue, fatty tissue, nerves, blood vessels, and lymph nodes. Naturally, the breast tissue has a bumpy texture due to which the breasts feel lumpy. Detection of a breast lump always raises a concern about cancer.
For second opinion, quality treatment, and improved overall health outcomes, most people travel to Dubai and rely on the highly skilled team of doctors of HMS Mirdif Cancer Center who provide suitable breast lump treatment. For breast cancer patients, our Dr. Humaa provides provide cancer care services to help the patient cope with cancer.
How Common is Breast Lumps?
Breast lump, also known as breast masses, is followed by pain and is one of the most common problems amongst women across the globe. About 3 in every 100 women visit their doctor regarding a problem in their breasts. Most breast lumps, about 9 out of 10, are benign (non-cancerous). Depending upon the types, they can vary in the appearance of texture. Most breast lumps are caused by hormonal changes that occur at different times in a woman’s life, such as during the menstrual cycle.
If you feel a lump in your breast, try not to panic or worry. Instead of getting scared, get in touch with board-certified practitioners. Located in Dubai, HMS Hospital is the largest private general hospital that offers breast mass treatment in Dubai as per international standards. Our hospital has the latest technology and provides advanced patient-centered care to all the patients.
Diagnosing A Breast Lump
It is very much important to be aware of how your breasts usually look and feel so that you can quickly pick up any changes that might occur. See your doctor if you notice a lump in your breast followed by chronic pain or notice breast cancer symptoms.
Types of Breast Lumps in Dubai
Below are enlisted the types of breast lumps and their symptoms:
Fibroadenosis is a term used to describe a group of benign (non-cancerous) conditions that affect the breast. It is also known as fibrocystic breast disease. It can develop in one or both breasts or can affect just part of one breast. The symptoms include breast pain, breast enlargement, and the lumpiness of the breast particularly just before or during periods. The pain and lumpiness usually disappear after your period.
Fibroadenomas are made up of fibrous and glandular tissue and are a smooth, well-rounded lump that sometimes develops outside the milk ducts. Milk ducts are the tiny tubes in the breast that carry milk. Also known as a “breast mouse,” it has a rubber-like texture and moves easily when touched. A fibroadenoma will sometimes disappear, but it can remain and grow larger, particularly during pregnancy.
Breast Cyst:
Breast cysts are very common and normal and are fluid-like a sac that develops within the breast tissue. Cysts vary in size. Some can be very tiny, while others can grow up to several centimeters in diameter. Single or multiple cysts can occur in one or both breasts. Although there are no reported symptoms, yet some women may experience pain if the cyst size increases during the menstrual cycle.
Breast Abscess:
A breast abscess is a painful collection of pus that forms under the skin of the breast. It also results in high temperature or above inflammation i.e., redness and swelling. It can also develop in a female even if she is not lactating.
Breast Lump Treatment in Dubai
In most cases, the non-cancerous breast lump does not require any treatment until and unless the lump is too large or painful. Once the cause is diagnosed, our experienced doctor Humaa Darr will advise you about the necessary breast lump treatment.
If the doctor during the breast mass treatment happens to suspect cancer, a breast biopsy may be recommended. If cancer is found, treatment usually involves breast surgery and chemotherapy or radiation therapy, depending on the stage of cancer. At HMS Mirdif Hospital, we apply technological advances to transform cancer treatment.
Although pain is rarely a sign of breast cancer, it’s best to see a provider to be assured.
Call +971 052747 2414 to make an appointment.
What is a breast mass or lump?
A breast mass or lump is any area of tissue in the breast that feels different from the surrounding tissue. It may be felt as a lump, thickening, or bump in the breast.
Are all breast lumps cancerous?
No, most breast lumps are not cancerous. In fact, about 80% of breast lumps are benign (non-cancerous). However, any new lump should be evaluated by a healthcare professional.
What are some common causes of benign breast lumps in Dubai?
Common causes of benign breast lumps include:
Fibrocystic breast changes
Infections or abscesses
How can I tell if a breast lump is cancerous?
It’s not possible to determine if a lump is cancerous by feel alone. Only a healthcare professional can make this determination through examination and possibly imaging tests or biopsy.
What should I do if I find a lump in my breast?
If you find a lump in your breast, you should:
Don’t panic – remember that most lumps are not cancer.
Make an appointment with us for an evaluation.
Note any other symptoms you may be experiencing.
What tests might be done to evaluate a breast lump in dubai?
Depending on your age and the characteristics of the lump, your doctor might recommend:
Clinical breast exam
Can men get breast lumps?
Yes, men can develop breast lumps. While less common than in women, men can develop both benign and malignant breast conditions.
How often should I perform breast self-exams?
Many health organizations now recommend breast self-awareness rather than formal self-exams. This means being familiar with how your breasts normally look and feel and reporting any changes to your healthcare provider.
Can breast lumps be prevented?
While not all breast lumps can be prevented, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help reduce your risk. This includes:
Maintaining a healthy weight
Exercising regularly
Limiting alcohol consumption
Not smoking
At what age should I start getting mammograms?
Recommendations vary, but many organizations suggest:
Women at average risk should start annual mammograms at age 45 or 50.
Women with higher risk factors may need to start earlier.
Consult with your healthcare provider about what’s best for you based on your individual risk factors.